Tuesday, September 7, 2010


For this project, I used Google Sheets. First, I hid tests 1-6 since we're focusing on 7-10. Then, I used the program to get the average score for each student (shown in blue). This will be useful in calculating their grades. Then I took the class average for each tests 7-10 (shown in orange). This information would be useful to the teacher for evaluating the difficulty level of their tests as well as the effectiveness of their teaching. The yellow box is the average of all student's scores, the class average across tests 7-10.


The next chart I made shows the class average. This would be good to track the overall class progress over time. This chart shows that in this particular class, average test scores are steadily improving.

I next identified which students' averages are below the overall class average of 174.84. Those students' names are highlighted in the brighter green color on the data sheet. I then charted the progress of the below average students.

Based on this data I can see that almost all of the below average students have shown improvement since the beginning of the year, and most show a fairly steady trend of improvement. One anomaly I can easily see is Katherine who has a big drop from test seven to test eight. As a teacher, it may be worth having a talk with Katherine to try to figure out what is going on there.

Overall, I found the google sheets program to be very easy to use in comparison to excel. I think I would have appreciated more flexibility with the charting though. Publishing is easy once you know what to do, but it's not intuitive to figure out.


  1. Please take a few moments to carefully re-read the instructions. You have a nice start on this project, but need to narrow the focus to only those students who are averaging 'below' the class average.

  2. Much closer ... actually I believe the instructions stated the "last half" which would be tests 6,7,8,9, and 10 rather than just tests 7,8,9, and 10. Kind of humorous :)
    However, all the procedures and strategies from that point forward are accurate, as is the reflection on the trends. No need to redo anything.
